Of Roses and Contingent Agreements

Sarah Cole offered a wager of a box of buckeyes, looking forward to the Rose Bowl.  I’m  not entirely sure what category of ADR theory this would fall under.  Because the standard ADR lexicon doesn’t recognize “Ways to Surrender a Box of Buckeyes” as one of the field’s core principles, I guess we can shove it into the “Contingent Agreements” category and make it relevant to the blog.

I had a hard time figuring out what I might offer on my end of the wager.  I’m not shipping a duck to Ohio.  I’d offer to ship some nice Oregon wine, but the state of Ohio is to oenophobic to permit it.  (I’m guessing they know how badly a Willamette Valley pinot wound trounce some Catawba hooch).  As far as I know, though, Ohio will not object to me shipping a box of Oregon filberts in the event that, well, I can’t even type it.  Filberts, by the way, are what Oregonians call hazelnuts.  I have no idea why.  But 99.something percent of all hazelnuts grown in the U.S. are grown in Oregon, so I think Oregonians should get to name them.  Buckeyes and hazelnuts.  Sounds about right.

I recognize that Sarah laid down her offer some time ago.  I wasn’t actually sure I could accept, because I’ve had substantial dealings with our athletic department, and the last thing I wanted was to find myself involved in hazelnutgate at the NCAA.  But our faculty athletics rep gave me clearance.  So now, I suppose this may be an example of some sort of bloggish mailbox-rule exam hypothetical if Sarah doesn’t see this until after the Buckeyes lose.  We’ll sort that all out I’m sure.

Yesterday, by the way, I went to the Oregon pep rally on the Santa Monica pier.  It rained.  Hard.  There were between five and ten thousand crazy green and yellow people anyway, and we’ve still got 29 hours until kickoff.

Go Ducks.

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