End of Semester Fun

Have just taught the last class of my negotiation workshop and I wanted to remind all about some helpful wrap-up and conclusion tools that could work in any DR workshop.

First, as in previous years, I did the reputation index.  This tool allows students to give peer feedback (as they have throughout the semester) but specifically on the reputation of their classmates and who helped their learning.  I also combine this with a more “fun” component where students also vote for who you’d like to see across the table; who you would like to negotiate your release from a hostile country; who you would hire yourself to represent you; best sense of humor; and who taught you the most about challenging techniques.  Nancy Welsh has an article that explains how to use this excellent tool.

Second, I have students create their own negotiation “recipe for success.”  This is modeled after the Recipes for Success that many negotiation scholars wrote for a Marquette conference a few years ago and I give students the link so that they can see the wide variety of examples.  Writing the recipe gives students the opportunity to think specifically about skills they think they will need and to be creative in how these skills can be utilized.  You could really use this model for any workshop.

Feel free to email with any questions.  Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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